
Heritage and Memorialisation track accepted at DRS2022 Bilbao, 25 June – 3 July

27th May 2022

“Heritage and Memorialisation” has been accepted as a track at Design Research Society International Conference 2022 in Bilbao. Heritage, Memorialisation, and Design are intrinsically linked through a concern for representation.

An international peer review committee accepted three papers (from nine submitted) that present new directions for the future of design research and cultural heritage in digital and analogue form. These provide examples of how graphic heritage may be further interpreted as a form of design research inquiry and critical perspective for the benefit of graphic heritage research and practice.

For details of the track and links to the papers see here.

Track chairs

Robert G. Harland, Loughborough University

Alison Barnes, Western Sydney University

Rob Tovey, Loughborough University

Jie Xu, China Academy of Arts

The featured photograph is by Shaima Elbardawil.