
Design for Heritage in Theory Symposium, 15 October 2019


9:00am until 5:00pm, October 15 2019


Tongji University College of Design and Innovation,

The Event


9:00am until 5:00pm, October 15 2019


Fuxin Road,
College of Design and Innovation, Tongji University,

We wanted to know who, in China, might be interested in research into urban graphic heritage. Is there is such a field of research in China? If so, what subject matter might constitute urban graphic heritage? What methods do researchers use to understand urban graphic heritage? What language do researchers use to discuss urban graphic heritage?

We issued a call for papers inviting researchers to participate in an informal one-day symposium at Tongji University College of Design and Innovation on 15 October 2019. The event was designed for academic researchers interested in graphic heritage. The call for papers was circulated in February 2019 and 13 abstracts from 12 Chinese universities plus one from an independent company were received for peer review.The objective was to explore what urban graphic heritage might mean in China. Nine of those who submitted papers were able to attend the symposium and were also willing to draft a short paper to accompany their presentations.

Accompanying the symposium was an exhibition, Exploring Urban Graphic Heritage, and the event also linked to a Design for Heritage in Practice workshop co-organised with the Shanghai International Creative City Think Tank at the UNESCO Creative City (Shanghai) Promotion Office, on 19 October 2019. All three events were activities in the Pan-Tongji Design Week: A new Decade’, co-organised by Tongji University College of Design and Innovation with Yangpu District Government.

The symposium papers are available in Chinese with short accompanying abstracts in English. They follow an introduction to the research, reproduced from a conference paper ‘Defining urban graphic heritages for economic development in the UK and China’ published in the proceedings of the International Association of Societies of Design Research (IASDR) conference held at Manchester Metropolitan University between 1–4 November 2019.

Design for Heritage in Theory proceedings (in Chinese)

Harland, RG., Xu, J., Zhang, X. 2020. “Design for Heritage in Theory”. Loughborough University.https://doi.org/10.17028/rd.lboro.11882208.v1.


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