
GCRF/Newton Fund award for the project Mandela place-making through graphic heritage

20th October 2022

Mandela place-making through graphic heritage

Building on the findings from the Repositioning Graphic Heritage, this award will apply the research findings in the complex and vibrant context of civic spaces that draw upon the toponymic legacy of Nelson Mandela. In collaboration with the Nelson Mandela Foundation in South Africa, the project will provide opportunity, benefits, and empowerment for those seeking to capitalise on the endorsement of Nelson Mandela’s name in South Africa’s public spaces. It will provide new creative insights for the development of civic spaces as sites of discourse, education, and inclusivity. The project will consolidate the recently established research initiative Memorialising Mandela in the Metropolis.

The project team

Dr Robert Harland, Reader in Urban Graphic Heritage, Loughborough University

Dr Yolandi Burger, research fellow, Loughborough University

Dr Everardt Burger, Lecturer in Urban Planning, Tshwane University of Technology, Pretoria